Wednesday, November 5, 2008


As you all have heard...Obama won.

I was sooooooooooooo happy when I saw it on the news.

And when I saw the speech...I was a step away from being in tears. It was one of the most insprational speechs I have heard in a long time. It made me hopeful and proud to be an america. I'm glad America choose something new that will break the tradition. Now we're starting a new tradition.....change.

Though I saw McCarins speech and felt really bad for him. It was sad. Sarah Palin looked like she was gonna cry which made me wanna cry. lol Personaly.....if McCarin would of won and then died and we would of been ran by Sarah Palin........hahah I don't know what I'd do. Probably laugh....because we'd be fucked up the a bad way.

I so happy!
And everyone else probably is too!

Next topic...

My day was good thank you for asking!
It started with a morning....then it went to a mid day....
Lets explain that shall we?!

So in spanish I watched Madigascar....but in spanish. hah they said butt funny.
Thats all I wanted to say about spanish.

But in ALEGBRA, after my make up test (which I hope I really pass!) my mom picked me up and I went to the orthdontist....No I don't have braces but they just wanted to do a check up. So like a dumbass my mom forgets my retainer. HELLLOO I can't take my retainer to school cause somethine bad could happen.....someone could steal it for christ sakes!

But yeah the girl was basically like "....Ummm yeah this appointment was to check up on the retainer dumbasses! Go schedule a new one and lets take the X-Rays now since you tards forgot the retainer." haha I'd laugh so hard if she actually said that.

Then her cell rang and she like whispered "FUCK!" And turned it off. While she was doing that she was like "shit shit shit shit". It was weird. She had a nice phone though!

Then I had Taco Bell and that kicked ASS!

I rushed to school cause I wanted to go to see me boyfriend....not to see Ms. Solis. *shutters*

So yeah then the day went by and OH MY GOD!

Guess what!

PJ wasn't an ass to me! Isn't that weirdo?! Yeah his period must of finshed or something! But he did get mad at Harrison for comparing him to Aderien (whatevery I cant spell) which I found hilarious cause PJs all "How can you compare me to ADERIEN! He's a fucking asshole!" I litterly laughed at that one. PJ is a major asshole but apprently Aderien is an asshole that doesn't kid around and PJ does.....rrriiggghhhttt

But he was nice to me and it made me happy cause I like when we're friends and he isn't constantly insulting me or goes "What?Clark? What?" Long ASS story...

Then 7th period....woo hoo!
And my boyfriend walked me to the bus like a good boy!
And I took a nap when I got home!


Oh and Jo Ho got the hug made me weep
No not really.


Wanna see a picture?!
Yeahhhhh I took that a few days ago. Pretty huh?! It's not on my photoblog. Well it is but it isn't todays. I don't wanna put todays cause....I like thie one better! If you wanna visit my photoblog its
Comment plz!
And yes yes yes I know
I hate commericals too.

1 comment:

TellingMidnightSecrets said...

OMG HE WASN'T AN ASSHOLE?! dude, he kept like tapping me or grabbing my arm like "maisie maisie!" weird. i wanna see jo ho, i bet he looks nice with the lip piercing. apparently, you're supposed to leave the ring in until it heals, so...idk maybe he should put it back in...

anyway. dude wasn't I Don't Care funny as fuck? you. me. meggy. ellie. this weekend. sex drive.