Monday, November 3, 2008

The Start of Something New

Yes yes yes I did just refer to High School Music...shoot me. I dare you!

Why hello world what is cracking?! I'm do you do?!
I'm a person...I'm at place....and I guess I'm a thing? I really hate the whole "You have to tell everything about yourself in the first post cause....." Wellll noo...
Let's just jump into my life and you'll get to know me there! Good? Good.

I made a blogger thing like forever ago and forgot the password and all that shit soooo I made a new one.

I also have a photoblog and I used that a shitload of time. So when I'm really busy and just come onto the computer for a quick check up on my shit and to post a picture, I'll prolly just cut and past my blog post from photoblog so yeah...

So....let's talk about my day...lets start from the morning..

I am soooooo tired of hearing about Obama and McCain. Not cause I like hate any of them...just cause it's what I wake up to and it's what I have been waking up to for the past like got boring after the like 4th month!
So then I took a that was blunt. And brushed the ole teeth. Got on my long converse and did my hair. Oh M Gee I know...isn't that amazing!
Then I made coffee and tried my new creamer and it was ah-mazing! That is exactly what I told Jeremy....(aka my lovely boyfriend)
I ate nothing for breakfast cause I'm fat enough...I walked to the bus stop while listening to the AMAZING Paramore song "Decode". I love it so much...and right now as I type this is stuck in my head.
So I waited for the stuck in traffic...then it started to move.
I got to school....


So then I was with Masisie and Jo Ho comes up and we talk. Oh it was a nice talk too! And Maisie was all eyeing me all like "no no no BAD JANEL!" And then Andy came up and did the same thing. TTTHHHEENNN The Boyfriend came up and was all "hug hug kiss kiss" and I was like "SHIT NO! DON'T LET JO HO KNOW THAT WE'RE TOGETHER!" Ofcourse not out loud.....I don't think Jo Ho cares....cause it's obvious that Jeremy and I are more then friends....oh that sly son of a gun!
And Jo Ho left and I was like "I HATE WHEN THIS HAPPENS!" I have the worest man luck....thanks mother.....
Then three hot guys....all in the same area!
Jo Ho

Then I went to 1st period
Then 2nd
Then 3rd
4th tacos from la taco stand
5th orchestra...I got called to the nurses office...I realllllllllllly need to turn in my shot records! Goshdamn you bitch I'm vacuniated! No need to go all Quaintine on my ass!
tthheeennn 6th
And 7th period...

At the end of school PJ came up to me and talked to me about his girly problems....oooffccouursee..
That man is moody as hell. Then Jeremy was all "grrr".
They were wearing the same shirt................

Then we kissed right infront of the princple. (kissed Jeremy...not Pj. DUH!) And got on the bus. Texted like a mad person on the bus...I've had a headache and have been nausas since.
Played guitar and weeped (not litterly) about Myles and Peyton.....
Yeah sorry Baby Toro...

And here I am
Live at last
And 'llI savior every moment of this...

This will prolly be the longest update ever...usuallyI won't have this much time to kill but yeah I realllllllllllly should be doing like a shitload of homework I have to do. And be eating.... so I won't have a heachache or be naueas...

Hope you enjoyed
Stay tuned for more!

Now for commerical break....

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