Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Quinn has a ha Ha HA!

That was an old qoute I said like last week when I had the giggles and was laughing hysterically at nothing on the floor during lunch.............I swear those M&M's had something in them!

So today started out HORRIBLY!

I was emotionally unstable. Ask Maisie! She def knows! I was like hyper sad... We like walked away from everyone cause I just ugh didn't feel like being with anyone. It felt like at any minute I was either gonna burst into tears or start laughing....I don't know. Damn fucking girl emotions!

Why so sad?
Here's why!

1. Jeremy wasn't there and that was one of the reasons I was emotionally unstable. I miss him sooooooo FUCKING much....Its weird! He is now my new Edward which ISNT good. My last one was horrible! I mean....I was damaged for a long ass time. Like I have said before...this is gonna suck!
2. I found out I was making a 69 in Geography which just made me fall to the floor....1st period was HELL! I was just shit...
3. It was gloomy as shit outside! All rainy and depressing...yeah ofcourse that effected everything!

I miss him so much.....and he doesn't even bother....which makes me soooooooooooooo fucking scared. I don't want my Edward to go away.......Cause I'll never get him back. How come its always that I get like a month or two with the ones I like and like four months with the ones I don't! Its not FAIR!


Well on my boring school day......

1st - HELL!
2nd - Made me happier since im making a 91!
Semar - We went outside and it was humid.....very humid. We played volleyball with volleyball girls......they get all pissy when I miss the ball......oh suck it.
3rd - It was spanish.....woo hoo
4th - I listened and learned in Alegbra!
Lunch - Taco Taco.......wow
Orchestra - Was boring cause Jeremy wasn't there...=(
6th - PJ WAS REALLY REALLY REALLY NICE TO ME TODAY! He kept trying to trip me....good sign....cause it was in a playful way. And he used me as a shoulder rest.......good thing ahaha he was just nicer. He didnt cut me down at all! =) And it started to rain after we were going inside....Ashley was high. When is that girl not?! It took Nathan a while. haha Pj started religous shit with Nathan....well Pj wasnt an ass to me anyway. Poor Thrice Guy. And Katherine giggled here and there. What a sweetie!
7th - English........is boring.

So after schoool I was walking out with Andi and here comes good lil ole Pj. Ellie is there too....(Pj tells me all his girly problems) Pj came right up to me and hugged me....
Hug number 1
Ellie walks away cause...I didnt cause that. Then another hug...
Hug number 2
He said something in spanish but I couldnt hear and Andi was like "WHAT DID HE SAY!" And started to choke me and Pj was like "whoa there!" Then she let go and then a mini insult from.....who else! And then a hug...
Hug number 3
But this was like hug then shoulder around the waist thing..........oookkkaayy?
Then Andi and him got on his bus and then a hug from Andi...then Pj.....
Hug number 4
And he says "Hot sex later what?!"

Oh god that hoe!

If only Jeremy was there...............
oh damn lets not think of that!

Now my photoblog says....

I said...

"Today started off gloomy...
I mean like I could cry at any second but it was a hyper sad..
I don't know...
Then I kinda got over it.....but ugh man I miss him.
I hate being Bella
And I don't wanna Edward....
I don't like New Moon....it hurts...

How did we get here?!

Band of the Day:
The people I look to for hope.
My Chemical Romance"

Fuck commericals...

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