Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Coffee On Demand

Yes Yes I know it has been a shitload of time since I've updated. The reason is because I really didn't want to remember what I was going threw or even felt like sitting down and having to sort my thoughts and force myself to put it into words so everyone who doesn't read my blog to read.
I just didn't feel like going threw what I was going threw again out loud on this shit.
Let's all just forget the past two weeks because they sucked with a captiol S.
But one thing I will say is that.........I was mooody as hell.
But then Im fine now!

So anyway...

Whats been on my mind....


Drummers and how fucking much we need one!
At my master class --- whoa whoa whoa....hold it..

My moms drunk...obviously.
She starts to drink for NO fuckin reason while practicing her fucking violin then her voice changes and she laughs loud and its so FUCKING ANNOYING OH MY GOD IT BUGS THE SHIT OUT OF ME! She cant take anything seriously...........duh! And when I tell her to shut up she makes no FUCKING SENSE! I'll be like "stop drinking!" and she'll be like "You stop drinking" Its not funny! Who every laughed at that........its just not a laughing.

I hate her loud obnoxious laugh!
Its so FUCKIN annoying! And she only gets it when shes either A. trying to impress someone B. when shes drunk. Ugh annoying!

Right now she was like "yeah you can you use my daughters guitar and jam out on that."

HAHA thats funny. Im not gonna let ANYONE use my guitars tonight but myself. They're MINE and only MINE! No one will touch Frankie or Ray....My electric and acoustic.

I could be a nice daughter and greatfully let them use my guitars without a problem but psh she treats me like a piece of shit when shes drunk and im fucking tired of it so no! Im not gonna be nice! Im gonna be the mean daughter who all her "fuck buddies" fear. I've already done it before. I've basically almost yelled at one dude, told another one to go home....no told ALOT of them to go home and that the party was over. I ignored one once......and said "hey" and walked away. I aint afraid to not let anyone use my guitar....bring it bitch!

Wow I dont mean to sound like brat but its fucking true.
Psh like I care what you think but yeah....


Gerard blogs....or updates alot on their website. Kinda reminded me of me.....but with twitter. Gee uses twitter too but not like to exactly what hes doing. He uses the website for that. Its pertty interesting to read them too cause he'll randonly be like "Coffee On Demand is pretty cool" and "The dude from.......some band........is fierce!" haha What is he? Tyra Banks! haha But yeah they're fun to read. They make me happy knowing he's still alive and actually doing stuff with his life!

Oh oh ohhhhhhhh and another thing...
Gerard Way is....

Holy fuckin shit I know right!
I didnt see THAT one coming!
I bet he is the happiest person in the world right now! He was already happy just being married to LynZ but now he's having a kid with her! WOW! Double the happiness! Im sure he'll make an amazing dad! Like one of the most caring dads. But I can't help but to think what will MCR do and MSI?! I know MSI is getting a fill in but what can MCR do? Gerards the singer.....you cant get a sub for that. So........I dont know......and they've been on this long ass break............

Oh well.......

As long as he's happy!

Well Im tired.......
as hell...
and hope Im not sick.
That'd suck......

1 comment:

TellingMidnightSecrets said...

hahaha lollipops. haha. ha.

I'M SO HAPPY FOR GERARD AND LYNZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see, this is what it'd be like if you had a kid or got sick or something. we'd have to take a break/cancel shows. cause we can't replace you...